A toast to the man who changed how America drinks.
Enduring an unspeakable nightmare and a family secret that he guarded at all costs, Ernest Gallo overcame unimaginable odds to achieve the American dream.
Ernest Gallo (the “E” of E & J Gallo) may have been haunted by tragedy, but that didn’t deter him from his mission: putting a bottle of wine on every American table.
Gallo grew his legacy from the musty Modesto, California, dirt. From fallow acres he practically willed the wine industry into being out of faith and tenacity as he overcame physical and emotional abuse, illness, and the near destruction of the family he was determined to save.
“A charming, tenderly written tribute to Gallo and his remarkable achievements, which will certainly be of great interest to wine buffs, particularly those keen to discover more about the history of the American industry.”
Read the first two chapters here.
And don’t miss our podcast with Dr. Rosanne Welch and author Karen Richardson.
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